Thursday, April 22, 2010

Highlight of the Day

Emily Hauser, a fellow member of Ta-Nehisi Coates's commenting community, has a wonderful post on her blog today about the friends we leave behind as children.  It's worth reading.


The Daily Show has been on a roll lately, with some brutal indictments of the petty horse-race journalism perpetuated by the major news networks, especially FOX.  My personal favorite was Jon Stewart's surprisingly civil conversation with Mark Thiessen which, while not as vicious as Stewart's assault on Jim Cramer, certainly put Thiessen's reluctance to interact with reality on full display.

These clipse deserve to be watched again and again and again.

Judicial Activism

The National Review posted a finely researched article about the ways Democrats and Republicans enjoy decrying and utilizing judicial activism.  It's worth a look as we prepare for a "whale of a fight" over whomever President Obama chooses to nominate to replace Justice Stevens.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What the Affordable Care Act Does

I should have posted this a month ago, but since the topic is back in the news cycle, here's a breakdown of what the Affordable Care Act does, and when.  Everyone should read it if they want to know what to expect from insurance companies in the next decade.

"No Duh" of the Day

In no realistic scenario can Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act.  This one-dimensional thinking is what you get from a party that basis its existence on absolutes.
